Collegiate Corner
The Black Mental Wellness Collegiate Corner was developed for students by students. The Collegiate Corner will offer resources and support for college students along their mental health and wellness journey.
We know that the college experience for Black students can be filled with many challenges. It is our aim that you will be able to find a sense of community to help you as you move through the challenges and joys of your college experience.
welcome to collegiate corner

Collegiate Corner arose from the idea of inclusivity of all Black people in the Black Mental Wellness community. Our community is composed of Black people of all ethnicities, religious identities, sexualities, and nationalities. These identities all are important to many, including myself, but one community of people within our larger community whose experience is very unique are those who chose to pursue college education.
We also want to hear from you! What are some things you would like to see from the Collegiate Corner platform?
Ihunanya Muruako
Black Mental Wellness Intern 2019
COping with covid-19 tips
This guide provides information and resources for college students to cope with the challenges of COVID-19 including anxiety, financial resources, and academic success, time management, and work-life balance.
Learn more on Coping with COVID: Tips for College Students
What college students need to know about Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome is a psychological pattern in which individuals doubt their achievements and fear being exposed as a fraud. Individuals with imposter syndrome may experience feelings of incompetence, self-doubt, and anxiety.
To Learn More About Imposter Syndrome
Work Life-Balance and Burnout in College Students
Students are equally at risk for burnout. Developing a healthy work-life balance has been found to reduce burnout among undergraduates. Students with symptoms of burnout may exhibit a lack of motivation, exhaustion, and poor academic performance. Many college students attribute their feelings of burnout to their overbearing course load. Other students reported a lack of motivation, family issues, financial burdens, work, or problems with a professor.
To Learn More About Work-Life Balance and Burnout in College Students